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Tips for creating decorators by yourself (Concept 3: De-construct and construct)

Ok, finally I am sitting down and ready to write about the final post of the series "Tips for creating decorators". 
In the previous two posts, I showed that how to re-use flowers with two concepts, 1. keep them alive, and 2. make it re-born

As mentioned in the first post, I developed three concepts to make your home decorators that could use in your photo. 

Today, I am going to cover the final concept, "de-construct and construct." 
That is my central creative concept, while the other two are also a basis for my original, and it could be applied not only to your creatives but also for your perspective on photography. 


Let's get started. 

When I take a product photo or snapshots just for my daily presenting, I gather small decorators in my house to add essence to the scene. It's usually flowers or pieces of jewelry, but sometimes I use a good outside the purpose of its primary use for. 

Here, for example, I found this beautiful unique glass at my grandma's house. She said the glass is for Japanese sake (drink). I thought it would be lovely in use during the summer time for some noodle dipping, also maybe it could be a wine glass as well. 

When I had a photo shooting for the butterfly pea herbal tea, because the color of the tea was fresh coral blue, this glass came up in my mind to use for a teacup. 
I could use a mug cup for the shooting because merely it's a tea. That is the basic concept we have. But here, the today's concept can apply,

1. de-construct the object purpose, which is supposed to be Japanese sake glass.

2. de-construct your cultural perception and recognition in living, which is a combo set of a tea and a mug-cup. 

3. construct a new purpose of use, which comes from your creative perspective. 

Not only for a tea glass, but it also could be a jewelry holder. I put beads and small stones, and leave a ring and an earring. 
Now, this bead has also applied to the concept.  Beads are not only for making a piece of jewelry, but this is just a small stone. If you see beads as a stone or dots, you can re-use them for anything you want in a creative way. 

By the way, I crafted a photo frame and decorated with beads. Will show it someday.  


Sorry, this photo is too blur, but the composition was perfectly what I wanted to see, so forgive me to leave this photo here.


It took me almost for three weeks, but I finally can conclude the series of "Tips for creating decorators by yourself." 

It was active braining training to combine creativity and logical side of concepts. Vocalizing subjective matters is always helpful to sort out your mind and to be more creative. 

Thank you so much for reading, always. See you in the next post. : )